Don't Eat the Worm

Listen to Don't Eat the Worm

Listener Discretion is Advised. (Language, Visceral Depictions and Gore.)

Skeeter was a mountain of a man with an insatiable thirst and he wasn't finicky about what he drank so long as it got him drunk. But when a mystery bottle found Skeeter it would take him on a nightmare journey.

Performance © copyright Mark Wilhelm

Story © copyright Mike Mann. all rights reserved.

You can find more of Mike's work on Reddit:


How the Devil Bargains

Listen to How the Devil Bargains

Two friends make a pact on halloween night to face off against the dark forces that stole their friend years earlier.

Performance © copyright Mark Wilhelm
Story © copyright Justin Alcala

Learn more about Justin at:

Something Good to Eat

Listen to Something Good to Eat

A Mother's ability to nurture her child can be a limitless thing. But just how far would a mother really go...

Performance © copyright Mark Wilhelm
Story © copyright Lindsey B Goddard

For More on Lindsey visit:

Daniel Damned: The Book of Forms (Part I)

Listen to Daniel Damned: The Book of Forms (Part I)

We rejoin Daniel and Mr Nobody after season 3's debut. The two on their way to Ocala Florida to find an artifact that is as mysterious as Daniel, but along the way they find themselves side tracked with a new mystery, one that has dire consequences if they don't intervene.

© copyright Mark Wilhelm

All Rights Reserved.

Click to Play Daniel Damned Pilot Episode

You Got It

Listen to You Got It

She's going to do it... she's going to force out of him, all that she's got coming... even if it kills him.

Performance © copyright Mark Wilhelm

Story © copyright J Davies

All Rights Reserved 2024

The Mystery of Emma Villanueva

Listen to The Mystery of Emma Villanueva

A family grieving finds that sometimes the past has a way of crashing into the present... on occasion with unforeseen consequences.

Performance © copyright Mark Wilhelm

Story © copyright Kristopher Cisneros

All Rights Reserved.

May's Publishing:

Rogue will be publishing Kristopher's story Blood Red in an anthology soon.

Kristophers Short Film:

Tall Betsy (A Cautionary Tale for Children)

Listen to Tall Betsy (A Cautionary Tale for Children)

It's said in certain parts of the U.S., that if you're not home before dark... before the street lights come on... you may find yourself the prey of Tall Betsy, and she wants your head. But that's just something they tell kids... right?

Performance © copyright 2024 Mark Wilhelm

Story © copyright 2024 Sam Morris

All Rights Reserved

You can find more of Sam Morris on instagram @SamBamMorris

Treats at the Aver Residence

Listen to Treats at the Aver Residence

The Avers residence has something particularly special planned for the trick-or-treaters this year. You'll have to tune in to find out what.

Performance © 2024 Copyright Mark Wilhelm Story © 2024 Copyright A.J. Brown & S. Copperstone. All Rights Reserved. Type AJ Negative Blog: S. Copperstone on Amazon: (Not an affiliate link)

In the Cards

Listen to In the Cards

A group of friends dabbling with the prognostic powers of tarot cards may have revealed more than they might have wanted to. You just never know who's watching.

Performance © copyright Mark Wilhelm

Story © copyright Paul Leone

All Rights Reserved 2024


Listen to Progress

Job interviews can be downright scary... but it's the job itself that might be what kills you. Mr Tanner is just so tired of not having a steady job he'd do nearly anything for a paycheck.

Exclusive Frightening Tales Story!

Written and Performed by Mark Wilhelm.

© copyright 2024 all rights reserved.


Listen to Housewarming

A new house can come with all kinds of surprises... some, a little darker than others.

Performance © copyright Mark Wilhelm

Story © copyright Debbie Paterson, all rights reserved.

You can find Debbie on X at: @writerlywriting


Listen to Mycosis

It's incredible how nature can find a way to reclaim all that lives on this great blue marble... sometimes it's rather ravenous in its appetite. Sometimes, it's downright relentless.

Performance © copyright Mark Wilhelm

Story © copyright Mike Mann. all rights reserved.

You can find more of Mike's work on Reddit:

The Rejuvenator

Listen to The Rejuvenator

Regardless of what station one holds in life. Offering some kindness to anyone you meet might pay dividends. But those who do not heed this lesson may have... a different experience.

Performance © copyright Mark Wilhelm

Story © copyright MN Wiggins

A Ghost's Story

Listen to A Ghost's Story

Being a ghost day in and day out can make a spirit yearn for a little excitement, but alive or dead you should be careful what you wish for.

Performance © copyright Mark Wilhelm

Story © copyright Jade Falcetti


Listen to Myrna

Often we don't mind something following us home, a kitten, or a puppy... but what if something, a little darker followed you home and didn't want to share.

Performance © copyright Mark Wilhelm

Story © copyright Dane Erbach

Incy Wincy

Listen to Incy Wincy

How far will a Mother go when her children's survival is at risk? Incy Wincy explores just how invisible bounds appear when you need to protect your little ones.

Performance © copyright 2024 Mark Wilhelm

Story © copyright Vanessa Kelly-Sibley

Music supplied by Epidemic Sound.

Extended Care

Listen to Extended Care

Hospitals are meant to be a place of calm, peace, and healing. But what happens when the illness that someone is suffering from isn't the kind of bug you're used to getting sick with?

Giving Butterflies at Night

Listen to Giving Butterflies at Night

How would you react if in that magical moment that love strikes, that moment, where you're all full of butterflies... something unforeseen intercedes? Find out in today's Frightening Tale.

Performance © Copyright Mark Wilhelm 2024

Story © Copyright C.C. Adams 2024

The Reaper

Listen to The Reaper

How lonely and down on your luck do you have to be for the very spirit of death to feel like you need someone to spend time with?

Performance: ©copyright Mark Wilhelm Story: ©copyright Jim Cort

Unknown Caller

Listen to Unknown Caller

What if that dead air, from an unknown caller that called you earlier had a more sinister purpose to it? What if picking up just then... meant someone died? That's the story behind this frightening tale

Performance & Story: ©copyright Mark Wilhelm

! Exclusively

The Gingerbread Man and other Tales

Listen to The Gingerbread Man and other TalesThis weeks show is made up of three tales that were too short to present on their own. The first tale, The Gingerbread Man visits a son haunted by the memory of his Mother and the gingerbread she would craft for him. The second tale finds a man coming to terms with The Nightmare of his own fate. Finally the third tale, visits a man on his death bed haunted by the life he's about to leave behind as he ponders the Laughs! Thrills! Romance! Audio Performance: ©copyright Mark Wilhelm The Gingerbread Man: ©copyright Aaron Chin The Nightmare: © copyright Larry Brown Laughs! Thrills! Romance!: © copyright Ron Wolfe

The Bump

Listen to The Bump

When the doors to your home are open, you never know what might wander in.

Performance © copyright Mark Wilhelm

Writing © copyright Mark Wilhelm

! Exclusively

The Bookshop

Listen to The Bookshop

A seemingly normal bookshop just might surprise you with what's tucked away inside its aisles.

Performance © copyright Mark Wilhelm

Writing © copyright Nelson Bond

Image in a Dark Glass

Listen to Image in a Dark Glass

What happens when you finally reach your life's ambition and it turns out there is a darkness protecting it... will you cross that line? and to what ends.

Performance © copyright Mark Wilhelm

Writing © copyright Gary Kilworth

In The Field of The Dying Cherry Tree

Listen to In The Field of The Dying Cherry Tree

A tree stands still in a remote part of a young boys farm. A cherry tree that seems to have been slowly dying since his fathers, father was a boy. But there is something about that old tree... something dark that the boy just can't seem to let go of.

Performance © copyright Mark Wilhelm

Writing © copyright Curtis K Stadtfeld

Ms. Wilkinson

Listen to Ms. Wilkinson

In the dark corners of the southern United States there are primal forces that will on occasion select a chosen few to have access to their gifts. Will those chosen use these gifts for good, or for more darker purposes?

Performance © copyright Mark Wilhelm

Writing © copyright Vanessa Kelly-Sibley

A Long Way Home

Listen to A Long Way Home

Two friends find out what happens when a seemingly normal trip home takes a horrific turn.

Performance © copyright Mark Wilhelm

Writing © copyright Mark Wilhelm

! Exclusively

The Tuck at the Foot of the Bed

Listen to The Tuck at the Foot of the Bed

Why is it that some of us can't shake the need to refrain from dangling a limb off the bed during the night... perhaps that need is there for a reason.

Show Me Where the Waters Fill Your Grave

Listen to Show Me Where the Waters Fill Your Grave

They say in the deep south that when the rains come down hard and God plays his drums, it may wake loved ones long since gone. And on one dark and stormy night there was a knock at the door.

Recollections of Annie

Listen to Recollections of Annie

There were two strong women in his life – and one of them were dead.

Ruth's Pool

Listen to Ruth's Pool

Billy had made concessions to give his wife her dream pool, but what would this really cost them?

Lost Hearts

Listen to Lost Hearts

A retrospective visit to the classic tales by renowned authors. In this tale author M.R. James shares arguably his best ghost story, written in 1894.

Papa Gumbo

Listen to Papa Gumbo

What lengths would you go through for success in your career? This weeks story examines the dark place one might be led to in an effort to get... a head.

Death of a Drop of Water

Listen to Death of a Drop of Water

How many of us are haunted by the life that might have been... But what happens when that haunting is no longer metaphor?

A story from Sara Century's new book "A Small Light & Other Stories" available through publisher Weird Punk.

The Red-Eyed Thing

Listen to The Red-Eyed Thing

We all have our vices, our personal demons. But some demons are a little more tangible than others.

*Listener Discretion is Advised horrific scenes depicted.

The Park

Listen to The Park

What happens with the unoticable is noticed? Starved for attention how far would a being go once it finally felt 'seen' This weeks story asks just such a question, in an exclusive story by Mark Wilhelm.

The Friend in the Mirror

Listen to The Friend in the Mirror

What happens when you peer into the mirror only to realize that something was off a little about your reflection. As though it just wasn't right.

The Limelight

Listen to The Limelight

A magician is only as good as their assistant. Sometimes the entire act hinging on the skills they possess.

This dark tale was written by Katharine Widdows to a prompt from "Write a story about a magician who never reveals their secrets"


Listen to Spuds

A seemingly normal date is interrupted by the demands of an unassuming side dish.


Listen to Fear

A recounting of the terror filled moments hunted by... something in the dark woods.

A story created at the prompt provided by "Start your story with an unusual sound being heard"

Daniel Damned: Mr Nobody

Listen to Daniel Damned: Mr Nobody

Pilot Episode. An odd man with a very personal connection to the paranormal is on a hunt, shaking down hells minions for information that will help him aquire a powerful divine relic. Along the way he meets an even stranger man that seems to remain outside the perceptions of hell, a real life Nobody. Thrust together seemingly by fate the two start to try to unravel this mystery but will they do it before hells warden notices it's getting kind of empty and comes looking... for Daniel Damned!


Listen to Philly

Clarabelle and her Father are trying to make their new house a home. But Clara's unplanned roomate seems to have darker idea's for the new residents. It wouldn't be long before dark secrets would take these negotiations to a whole other level.


Listen to Pests

It was a sad and somber thing that set about one of the truly great moments for nearly any New Yorker. Henry Adams was dead, and that meant there would be a vacancy.

Sleepy Hollow

Listen to Sleepy Hollow

Special Presentation!

Written in 1820 by American author Washington Irving as part of a collection of 34 essays and short stories in a volume called 'The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon'. This is the a reading of the original story of Sleepy Hollow.

As this was written in 1820, what was considered proper in life back then deviates from what is considered by today's standards of proper. Keep in mind that this piece suffers from anachronism and as such is a historic look at the period.

Episode Notes:

There is reference to 'Chanticleer'. I myself had to look this up to figure out how to pronounce it or what it was. My research reveals it was a childrens character from a kids book of the time that was a very proud Rooster. It was as common to children then as the Cat in the Hat is today.

Darcy Girl

Listen to Darcy Girl

Trigger warning: descriptions of family violence.

A Mother's love can span greater distances than the measurements of mankind, in time Darcy would learn how far a Mother would go for her little girl.

Stay Hungry

Listen to Stay Hungry

What would you give to change the things about yourself that you just don't like? What if you were approached with a miracle fix to get that perfect you? Would you leap before you look?

Even the Angels Don't Love Me

Listen to Even the Angels Don't Love Me

Lisa is having trouble getting a song out of her head... a song that only she can hear. Seemingly now the soundtrack to all the tragedy in her life. But where did it come from? And who made it?

The Red Snow

Listen to The Red Snow

Sprinkled throughout the snow-covered Canadian north, hidden military bases monitor the arctic circle. Their orders are not to watch for enemy threats, but to alert domestic forces should the things that makes their hunting grounds in that desolate north… move south.

A Ballad for Buck Dumpster

Listen to A Ballad for Buck Dumpster

The burden of guilt, given enough time, can weigh down a soul, forcing us to revisit the past... perhaps one last time. But revisiting our old haunts has been known to stir up ghosts.

Midnights Curtains

Listen to Midnights Curtains

We all must come to terms with those things in our lives that we fear... What happens though, when we're finally free of those shackles that nature put there for our own protection...


Listen to Shhhhhh

In the heart of summer, a house - just waiting for a family to fill its halls - sits nearly forgotten by the nearby city. That is until an unassuming couple bring with them the inherent sounds of the living. But some neighbours don't appreciate those who disturb their rest.

The Papercut

Listen to The Papercut

When I wake up, the doctor gives me the facts. She delivers them to me gently—her voice like a warm cup of water you could steep a bag of tea in. Somehow, she’s made a car accident sound like a papercut, and so I decide that's what I'd like to call it from now on—a papercut.

Buyer's Remorse

Listen to Buyer's Remorse

A good magician never reveals their secrets. But, today as I lie in my deathbed, I am prepared to tell you mine... 

The Lottery of Fate

Listen to The Lottery of Fate

Nothing I had been taught in school or in social settings could have prepared me for the irrational events that unfold when you encounter a ghost. Nothing prepared me to deal with the fear and panic that inevitably comes with that, either. But that’s getting ahead of my story.

Who Brings a Baby

Listen to Who Brings a Baby

The devilishly clever Clay McLeod Chapman offers up our season 3 premier tale.

A cinema experience, big sound, big picture and that ever-satisfying movie popcorn. But what happens when the sacred space that is a movie is interrupted by something innocently out of place?

Visit Clay online at:

The Straw Doll & Pulling The Plug

Listen to The Straw Doll & Pulling The Plug

In the Straw Doll, a dying monarch bestows a gift to the next generation, but not all gifts are so innocent.

Pulling the Plug explores the weight of traveling the expanse of our universe so far from home. And the toll it weighs on the soul.


Listen to AcornsAuthor Brett B asks the question... does the guilt of an action sometimes reach out and tether something else to us? Perhaps the universe's need for balance is what haunts us... who's to say? 

In the Quiet of the Night

Listen to In the Quiet of the Night

Author Rachel Ryan takes us on a journey with an Alaskan research student and the discoveries made in nature's quiet places.

Bricks & Branches

Listen to Bricks & Branches

Author Wemory Charnel's tale challenges everything we've known about princesses and forests full of cute playful animals. 

Finish What You've Started

Listen to Finish What You've Started

Author Katharine Widdows brings us an unexpected twist to a botched suicide. Trigger warning suicide. 


Her original story was written for the prompt "Write about a character who is trying to convince others to play a game." As seen on Reedsy prompts and presented here with her permission.

Promo: New Episodes Weekly

Listen to Promo: New Episodes Weekly

Welcome brave listeners, I'm your host Wilhelm, Tune in weekly for a new creepy tale of the paranormal. If you're brave enough.


Listen to Cellared

Sometimes more than just the past can haunt us. In this beautiful tale by Katharine Widdows a family learns what secrets there are to dig up in the basement.


Katharine's original story was written for the prompt "Start your story with someone sharing a secret that has a big impact on everyone." As seen on Reedsy prompts and presented here with her permission. ⁠⁠.

This episode was updated in 2023 with more accurate content.

The Straw Men

Listen to The Straw Men

Sometimes the strings that come with gifts can lead to deadly consequences. An inheritance, in this case, introduces two brothers to a darker place they would otherwise have never found.

The Shadowman

Listen to The Shadowman

A mysterious force seems to be haunting Sam, it only wants her to be safe... but how far will it go to ensure that? Listen, if you're brave enough.

A Little Homework Never Hurt Anyone

Listen to A Little Homework Never Hurt Anyone

The focus you give your homework just might become the thing that saves your life. 

Dukes After Dark (Expletives)

Listen to Dukes After Dark (Expletives)

(Content Advisory: Use of Expletives)
Christmas eve has long been a time for reflecting and sharing. The 3 staff on hand at Duke's are about to share an unforgettable experience. 

The Unofficial History of Hide and Seek

Listen to The Unofficial History of Hide and Seek

Humanity has often defiantly mimicked things that were dangerous, who would have thought that unofficially something as innocent as hide and seek started more malevolently? 

Someone has Died

Listen to Someone has Died

Have you ever been so attuned to people that you could sense even the subtlest of changes with them... and dreaded knowing deep in your heart that something has happened to one of them? But who?

Off to Bed

Listen to Off to Bed

Sometimes your regular routines are interrupted by something altogether unimaginable... how would you react?

The Tangled Man

Listen to The Tangled Man

When faced with imminent doom, how will you react? will you own it proudly... or find another to take your place. Either way, the Tangled Man is coming for someone. Will it be you? 

The Dangers of Deadlines

Listen to The Dangers of Deadlines

Harry has been working overtime for far to long... but has it finally blurred the lines between what is real and unreal? find out in this frightening tale by Daniel Jankowski

Marienvoglein (Ladybug)

Listen to Marienvoglein (Ladybug)

Learning the in's and outs of the family business can often dig up the ghosts of our family history revealing the true sacrifices a family does for one another. In this tale a man is faced with the weight of taking on the family business. 


Listen to Gurgleplop

Her song is sung in local taverns... its warning clear and true. If you're not careful you'll cross paths with Gurgleplop. Balin would learn all to well what that entails.

On, Off

Listen to On, Off

What if the thing to be afraid of, wasn't hiding in the dark, but in among the photons of the light? On, Off shines some light on fear.

Click Clack the Rattlebag & The Shadows Stare Back

Listen to Click Clack the Rattlebag & The Shadows Stare Back

Hoping to make a good impression on his girlfriend a young man lends a hand when her little brother asks that simple question, "will you tell me a story?"  Our other tale follows a man living in a world that has been over run by feral shadows, and the reflection that inherently happens when faced with oblivion. Listen now... if you're brave enough.

Library of Lost Souls

Listen to Library of Lost Souls

A drifter finds himself rolling into a part of the country that seems like it's not even part of the world. And there, he is confronted with something that could shatter everything he's come to believe. Challenging his resolve. How will he react to learn that he's found the Library of Lost souls, and who might be there waiting to meet him. Written by George Frost.

The Man By The Tree & The White Woman

Listen to The Man By The Tree & The White Woman

Author's Gunnar Ladd and Frances Hogg Lockow bring us this weeks 2 doses of scary.  

How would you react to find an entirely new addition to something you were incredibly familiar with? Only then to find the un-natural source to its creation? That's what Gunnar Ladd explores in "The Man By The Tree.

Antony is a photographer in search of the perfect photo of his muse... the new tenant in his apartment building. But convincing her to be his model comes with its own dangers. Pulled from the dark corners of Frances Hogg Lockow's mind, The White Woman.

My New Home

Listen to My New Home

Welcome brave listeners to another episode of Frightening Tales. Todays episode titled "My New Home" was adapted from a reddit horror story written by an author simply called Mikey. Our tale follows a man who does his best to make a new start for himself only to learn that the grass isn't always greener on the other side, and some deals are too good to be true. 

An Unfamilar Sound & Thumbs

Listen to An Unfamilar Sound & Thumbs

Welcome brave listeners, to another episode of Frightening Tales. Our time today will be filled with two frightening stories. The first titled "An Unfamiliar Sound" written by Jordan Caves Callarman, which asks the question... what exactly did I bring home from the grocery store today? Our second tale, titled "Thumbs" Follows a young man offered powers by dark forces, but wondering if the price too steep?


Listen to Parcels

Welcome brave listeners, to another episode of Frightening Tales. Today's episode titled "Parcels" invites us into the world of unexpected packages and the mysteries held within them. 

Pied Piper & April Showers

Listen to Pied Piper & April Showers

Welcome brave listeners to another episode of Frightening Tales. Today's episode fills our time together with two stories, the first "Pied Piper" written by Angeliki P, is about a young boy who's life is turned upside down when men arrive to burn his plague ridden village... and the keening pipe music that draws him to it.  Our second frightening tale written by Mikayla Peterson "April Showers", is about a woman trying to survive in her home plagued by storms that seem to have a predatory intelligence about them. 


Listen to Hover

Welcome brave listeners to another episode of Frightening Tales. Season 2 starts off with a special story written by Author Samantha Mabry. Her new book "Tigers, Not Daughters" is available in your local book store. Her story "Hover" follows two sisters adapting to life in a new home... with a ghost. 


Listen to Trailer promo piece. 


Listen to Lights

The Season One Finale Performance by: Mark Wilhelm, Written by: Ayden & Mark Wilhelm, Sound Editing by Mark Wilhelm. 


Music provided by:

White Noise

Listen to White Noise

Performance by Mark Wilhelm, Sound Editing by Mark Wilhelm, Written by Mark Wilhelm.  Music By:

The House At Sunset Point Harbor

Listen to The House At Sunset Point Harbor

Performed by: Mark Wilhelm, Sound Editing by: Mark Wilhelm, Written by: Jethro Pili Music provided by April Snow. Gavin Luke | Scranton Swing, Roy Edwin Williams | Candy Clown, Enigmanic |  Ocean Traveler, Calm Shores | Unfettered and Unchained, Golden Anchor | Warning Signal, Max Anson

Muriel‘s 1 o‘clock

Listen to Muriel‘s 1 o‘clock

Written and Performed by: Mark Wilhelm, Sound Editing by: Mark Wilhelm, Music courtesy of:


Listen to Goblins

Wilhelm Presents: Frightening Tales. This the debut story both written and performed by Mark Wilhelm.  All rights reserved. Story and performance Copyright Mark Wilhelm.  Visit for more scary stories.


Listen to Pride

Performance by Mark Wilhelm, Sound Editing by Mark Wilhelm, Written by A.G. Scott,


Music: Tales from the Grave, Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen | Born Sinister, Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen |  Chronicles of a Mystic Dream, Grant Newman |  Decomposed, Philip Ayers

The Haunting

Listen to The HauntingA tale about a technician on a cable access ghost hunting show get‘s more than he bargained for.

The Night Job

Listen to The Night Job

Performance by Mark Wilhelm, Sound Editing by Mark Wilhelm, Written by Jethro Pili,  Music: Banshee, Jay Varton  | Tales of the Uncanny, Prozody | Impulse, Hampus Naeselius | Light Utopia, FormantX | Our Last Hope, Dragon Tamer

The Damned Box

Listen to The Damned Box

Performance by Mark Wilhelm, Sound Editing by Mark Wilhelm, Written by Justan Romias   Music: Eye For Detail, Jay Varton  | Move Shady, Damma Beatz | Entering Madness, JH Coleman | Banshee, Jay Varton | Fright Night, Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen

Basement Has Mold

Listen to Basement Has Mold

Performed by Mark Wilhelm, Sound Editing by Mark Wilhelm, Written by K.M. Kinley Music: Frozen Water Not Ice, Polar Nights | The Window Was Closed When I Left, Christian Andersen | Fugitive Drone, Amir Sharifi | Extraterrestrial, Dream Cave | Night Shuttle, Max Anson


Carlton‘s Drive

Listen to Carlton‘s Drive

Performed by Mark Wilhelm, Sounding Editing by Mark Wilhelm, Written by Algernon Blackwood

Music: Awen, The Mind Orchestra | Nadir, REW_ | Cue 1, Soularflair | Hunted, Scott Holmes I took some creative liberties with the original script in an effort to modernize. 

Peace & Quiet

Listen to Peace & Quiet

Performed by Mark Wilhelm, Sounding Editing by Mark Wilhelm, Written by Ema Fancher


Music: Fried, Ketsa | Indigo, Another Brick | The Bright New Year, Yair Yona

Ancient Lights

Listen to Ancient Lights

Performed by: Mark Wilhelm, Sounding Editing by: Mark Wilhelm, Written by: Algernon Blackwood Music: Freyasberg, Greg Atkinson | Nettlevest, Secret Jane | Telepathy for Beginners, Les Hayden | Live sessions, Alessi

A Solider

Listen to A Solider

Written by A.G. Scott for ReedsyPrompts Performed by Mark Wilhelm Music: The Spirit of Russian Love by Zinaida Trokai CymbalBird by Silence Just a Memory Now by Chad Crouch Flight to the North by Axeltree

Beneath the Sand

Listen to Beneath the Sand

Written by Rachel Smith for ReedsyPrompts Performed by Mark Wilhelm Music: Gimmie All I want (instrumental) by Anthem of Rain Adaption (Instrumental) by Anthem of Rain Tuesday Night by Maarten Schellekens Hachimantai Snow by Maarten Schellekens Disaster Drone by Daniel Birch

The Firefly Fairy

Listen to The Firefly Fairy

Written by A.G. Scott for ReedsyPrompts. Contest 98 Performed by Mark Wilhelm.  Music: Disaster Drone by Daniel Birch Country Boy Instrumental by Lobo Loco The Moon is Her Spotlight by Darkstar83 Just Wondering by Maarten Shellekens Sound FX by

The Deadliest Crop

The Pale Man

Listen to The Pale Man

The Pale Man, by Julius Long. Written for Weird Tales in 1934. Performed by Mark Wilhelm.  A mundane visit in an out of the way hotel, becomes the setting for a dark encounter.

The Rotten Man

Listen to The Rotten Man

Performance by: Mark Wilhelm, Sound Editing: Mark Wilhelm, Written by: Tim Sprague. A different kind of perspective on an unexpected visitor.  Music by: Rebecca on the Shore, by Mixkit | Intruder,  by Zapsplat

The Tree's Wife

Listen to The Tree's Wife

A story originally posted in Weird Tales by Mary Elizabeth Councilman. This tale looks at the limits of love and death. When does one stop the other... 


Every Episode of Frightening Tales!

Thus far…

More than 40 hours of
creepy content!

View a full list of the Frightening Tales Authors!

Tune in Each Week for another Tale of the Paranormal.

If you’re brave enough…